Save Yourself Countless Hours of Effort


With vDecision you can organize owners' meetings and circular resolutions as if you were on vacation.

vDecision: Automate home owner meetings

For owner' meetings in person, hybrid or virtual

Save time & reduce costs for administrators and owners

Relieve employees. Be fit for the future!

High savings potential

Property Managers save time & costs

  • Agenda, meeting notes, votes: all in one - minutes implemented faster
  • Votes calculated automatically - no more Excel
  • Automatically create attendance lists & minutes
  • Less wasted time for employees travelling to and from meetings; no travel costs
  • Save on postal delivery
Owners' Meetings: Create attendance lists & minutes automatically
No travel to and from the owners' meeting with vDecision

Apartment owners save time & costs

  • Less / no room rental for the owners
  • No arrival and departure to the owner meeting needed
  • Electronic voting, circular resolutions. No additional programs, QR codes, etc. required
  • Digital access to the detailed agenda from the time the invitation is sent
  • 24/7 access to minutes and resolutions

Circular Resolution

Carry out circular resolutions independently (independently of an owners' meeting) or convert a planned resolution into a circular resolution without any effort as part of an ongoing owners' meeting.

In Austria, additionally: Convert an ongoing resolution into an additive resolution with one click during an ETV.

Terms And Conditions apply.

Digitally automate circular resolutions
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Votes in accordance with the voting rights of the WEG

Find out more about vDecision without obligation: Arrange a demo appointment

In accordance with the statutory voting rights in the Condominium Owners Act according to the WEG Reform 2020 in Germany and the WEG Amendment 2022 in Austria.

Furthermore: Easily convert planned votes into a non-binding survey or circular resolution.

Always be in the Picture


  • Who voted and how?
  • Has everyone already logged into ETV?

Show as current activity and as a report for a specific period of time.

Activity overview and log file for each owner
Owners create a power of attorney to participate in an owners' meeting

Authorized Representatives

Owners can appoint an authorized representative, who is then entitled to

  • take part in the owners' meeting
  • and to vote on resolutions

More on the subject of Power of Attorney for Owners' Meetings

Minutes of Owners' Meetings

Notes created during the owners' meeting are automatically merged with the agenda in the minutes editor. After the ETV, "fine-tune" the minutes - done!

All important information (letterhead, formal information, etc.) for the owners' meeting is automatically preconfigured for the minutes.

Voting results are incorporated into the minutes in graphical format.

Confirmation of the accuracy of the minutes is automatically integrated into the minutes using a digital signature.

Automatically create minutes of the owners' meeting

Automate Attendance List

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Owners sign digitally at the beginning of the owners' meeting
No more scanning of attendance lists
The attendance list is automatically integrated into the minutes of the owners’ meeting (ETV).
Attendance confirmed using a digital signature
No scanner required for the integration of the attendance list into the meeting minutes
Attendance list automatically integrated into the minutes
Online archive for meeting minutes. Additionally: Resolution collection for resolutions

Accessible 24/7 For Owners and Administrators

Online Archive

Minutes are automatically made available in an online archive. Resolutions are also saved in a consecutively numbered resolution book (resolution collection).

Integrated video conferencing system for virtual or hybrid owner meetings

Video Conference System For The Owners' Meeting

And certainly, a video conference system tailored to owners' meetings:

  • For hybrid or virtual owners' meetings
  • Incl. name and assignment of each participant to the corresponding residential unit
  • No extra installation necessary - works with mobile phone, tablet, laptop

Do you manage residential properties, and would you like to find out more about vDecision without obligation? Select a date: Arrange a Demo Appointment